Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture
Moscow Museum of Modern Art
My 4-channel video installation THE SCHOOL OF TIME (no cure) was part of a group exhibition, organised by Media Forum / Moscow International Film Festival. Other exhibitants were Doug Aitken, Keren Cytter, Gary Hill, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Fiona Tan, Ranbir Kaleka, Isaac Julien, Anri Sala, Harun Farocki and more.
The exhibition was partly shown at Moscow Museum of Modern Art, party at the Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture.
Curator: Olga Shishko
Co-curator: Kirill Razlogov
Producer: Elena Rumyantseva
June 24 – 28, 2011
‘Media Forum at the Moscow International Film Festival has for the last twelve years been responsible for the borderline territory between cinema and contemporary art. According to the theorists and practitioners of the art of moving images it is exactly there that most interesting and promising events in screen culture are happening: multiscreen cinema is evolving, multimedia art works are created in real time mode and with active audience unteraction, new strategies of distribution and contextual analysis of video works are developing. Apparantly, this is the future of both cinema and video art as a whole.
This XII Media Forum presents what is probably the most ambitious project in all of its history — the Expanded Cinema exhibition chosen from the latest and most striking works on the verge of cinema and video art. Each of these works has its own interpretation of the moving images, its own method of working with the time and space of the screen. The organizers aimed to show the whole range of these art strategies and their distinctness, as they are special and very relevant now, having overtaken major art festivals worldwide. The expositions at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art and the Garage Centre for Contemporary Culture are supplemented by sessions with the artists participating in the project, their lectures and workshops, live performances and live communication of the audience with the most outstanding art figures of our time.’
And a review for all you lovers of the russian language:
“Еще одна любопытная работа – «Это не Cure» Бориса Элдагсена. Две пары стариков, точнее, старческих голов обмениваются друг с другом отчаянно-упадническими текстами в сопровождении мотивов из Вагнеровских «Сумерек богов». Сюжетов смерти на нынешнем медиафоруме хоть отбавляй, но тут есть характерная деталь: то, что говорит бабушка, мы читаем – бесстрастно бегущей строкой на напряженном лице дедушки, стоя спиной к говорящей. И начинаем вращаться внутри этого безнадежного закатноевропейского колеса, получая в спину «шпенглерово» излучение. ”
Julia Kvasok, “Мейнстрим там, где нас нет“, advertology, 02/07/2011
Which can be roughly translated as:
“Another interesting work – “No Cure» by Boris Eldagsen. Two pairs of old, or more precisely, geriatric heads communicate with each other by desperately-decadent texts, accompanied by the motives of Wagner’s “Twilight of the gods.” The idea of death are common place for the current Media Forum, but here is a characteristic feature: the fact that we are standing back to the talking head and reading the words which the old lady says on the dispassionate running line on an opposite image of a tense old man’s face. And you begin to rotate inside the hopeless “sunseteurope” wheel, getting the “Shpengler” radiation to your back.”